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IIA International Guidance

Auditing Cybersecurity within Insurance firms

Internal Audit plays a vital role in the provision of assurance regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of the key cybersecurity processes and controls in insurance and reinsurance undertakings.

IIA International Guidance

Solving Key Challenges in a Small Audit Group

Does size really matter? Or are the challenges that small internal audit departments face the result of other factors?

Veiledere fra IIA Norge

Spørsmål et styre bør stille for å forstå hvordan en virksomhet styrer sine risikoer

Formålet med denne veilederen er å gi styret et verktøy formulert som spørsmål. Ved å belyse områdene spørsmålene dekker kan styret få en bedre forståelse av sentrale risikoområder for virksomheten og diskutere hvordan disse bør håndteres.


SIRK utgave 2, 2018

Fagmagasin som dekker områdene risikostyring, compliance, virksomhetstyring, kontroll og sikkerhet, internrevisjon.


SIRK utgave 1, 2018

Fagmagasin som dekker områdene risikostyring, compliance, virksomhetstyring, kontroll og sikkerhet, internrevisjon.


SIRK utgave 2, 2017

Vårt tidligere fagblad SIRK dekker områdene risikostyring, compliance, virksomhetstyring, kontroll og sikkerhet, internrevisjon.

IIA International Guidance

Agility and Innovation

Global Perspectives and Insights – five steps to assist internal auditors with getting on the path to agility and innovation.

IIA International Guidance

Auditing Model Risk Management

Short of a crystal ball, there is no fool-proof way to predict outcomes in the financial services industry. However, models provide a powerful tool to empower organizations to make important decisions using information from a variety of sources.

IIA International Guidance

Auditing Third-party Risk Management

This practice guide is a useful tool to become better informed on risks related to third-party provider management. Risks across the full vendor life cycle are considered, including the appropriate sourcing, ongoing management, and termination of vendors.

IIA International Guidance

Auditing Culture

Global Perspectives and Insights discusses how the profession can move forward on auditing culture.

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