Coordination and Reliance: Developing an Assurance Map

This practice guide takes the reader through the process of documenting assurance activities throughout an organization.

Kontroll og sikkerhet

Muligheter og sårbarheter på hjemmekontor

Hvordan holde engasjement og sikre effektivt samarbeid når kontoret er flyttet hjem? Hva betyr den digitale arbeidsplassen for delingskultur, læring, ledelse og arbeidsmiljø?


The Board’s Role in an Evolving Internal Audit Plan

Now more than ever, boards need to know their role in the organization, and when necessary, roll with the changes to align with executive management and internal audit.

Blockhain and Internal Control

COSO’s paper explains how COSO’s internal control framework can be used to design and implement controls to address the risks associated with blockchain technology, which relies on distributed ledgers to track information about assets such as digital currencies.

Three Lines Model

Modernizing the Widely Used Approach to Governance, Risk and Contro.

Kvalitet og metode

Covid-19 – Kostnadsfrie standarder

Standard Norge har i forbindelse med koronautbruddet gjort tilgjengelige flere standarder kostnadsfritt. Flere standarder som kan bidra til virksomheters robusthet i krise, gjøres midlertidig også tilgjengelig for kostnadsfri nedlasting.

Understanding the Effects of Diversity and Inclusion on Organizations

Research shows that diversity within an organization has a tangible impact on both workplace productivity and organizational value. In contrast, a lack of diversity is a relevant organizational risk.


Coronavirus and taming grey rhinos

A quick google search of “Black Swan” “Corona” reveals numerous articles have already been written equating the effects of the Coronavirus with a Black Swan. Is this a fair comparison? A “Black Swan” is an event which is both random and unpredictable. A key definition is that the event was unthought of, unimaginable beforehand. Was it? Most definitely not. It was a “Grey Rhino.”

Kontroll og sikkerhet

Slik ivaretar du IT-sikkerhet i en sårbar tid

Det har nå vært flere uker med unntakstilstand i Norge grunnet korona-epidemien. En av konsekvensene er at en stor andel av ansatte og ledere nå sitter på hjemmekontor. Hvilke utfordringer rundt IT-sikkerhet har vi sett disse ukene og hvordan kan dere som virksomhet sikre dere mot disse?


In the Face of the Coronavirus, Internal Auditors Must Do More Than Don Masks

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has transformed from a growing medical crisis to also a macroeconomic one in a matter of days.

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