Practical guidance on cybersecurity and data security

Risk in Focus 2021: Focus on the human factor and good practices from your peers

This guidance is developed to help internal auditors address some of the key risks identified in Risk in Focus 2021, with the aim of contributing to the reduction of their impacts on businesses and stakeholders.

The practical guide is designed to firstly, help practitioners learn from experienced professionals (experts, operational teams or internal audit), and, secondly, offer practitioners useful reflections that we believe are of particular interest when auditing these topics and their associated risk management processes.

Why should cybersecurity and data security risk be on your radar?

Cybersecurity and data security has been one of the top three priority risks identified in Risk in Focus over the past five editions. It is documented as the number one priority risk for 2021, and this trend is expected to continue for the next three years. As a result, a number of resources have been produced within the IIA network to support practitioners navigating risk.

Webinar Replay: Cybersecurity: what is the role of the human factor