

Ready for a step up in your career?

As our loyal members may remember, we launched a salary survey in late 2021. Since then, an idea about providing more guidance on the career development topics was ripening within our media committee. What do recruiters look for?

Teknologi English

The Data Dilemma: Empowering Internal Audit’s Use of Technology

When internal audit is outpaced by other parts of the organization in embracing technology, the valuable assurance and advisory services it can provide may also be lagging.

Etikk og kultur

Jobber du med internrevisjon i staten? – Da vil OsloMet høre fra deg!

Bruk av internrevisjon i statlig sektor har økt betraktelig siste ti årene. Hensikten har vært å tilføre merverdi og forbedre organisasjonens drift.


«Transition to climate change auditing»

Siden risikoen for klimaendringer forventes å øke i relevans ytterligere de neste årene, bør internrevisjonen ta grep nå og hvordan du kan gjøre dette kan du lære mer om i dette webinaret.

Kvalitet og metode

Lean & Agile Auditing on demand

Lean and agile techniques provide tools and techniques to eliminate waste, maximise impact and increase value adding activities – key for many internal audit functions.

Kontroll og sikkerhet English

Mitigating Cyber Threats

The October issue of Tone at the Top explores the five key areas where internal audit can have the most impact on helping organizations mitigate cyber-related risks.


IIAs nye podcast

IIA globalt lanserer ny podcast. Første episode er dedikert sikkerhetsmåneden og omhandler cyber.

Kvalitet og metode English

Auditing Liquidity Risk Management for Banks

This guidance, updated from the 2017 edition, gives an overview of international standards and best practices of LRM, including the use of an LRM framework.

Kvalitet og metode

The System of Internal Control

What is a system of internal control, what is an ‘appropriate’ system of internal control, and how is the effectiveness of a system of internal control assessed?

Kvalitet og metode English

Applying the Three Lines Model In the Public Sector

This release shows the alignment of governance structures in the public sector to The IIA’s Three Lines Model.

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