

Download ECIIA’s paper on DORA; The Digital Operational Resilience Act and its impact on internal audit in the financial services

Third-Party Risk Management

A guide to optimizing third-party due diligence, controls, and monitoring so your institution can maximize value from the “mini operational and cultural ecosystems” that are third-party relationships.

Risk in Focus 2024

A major research report has revealed a looming poly-crisis as a series of high-impact risk events are occurring simultaneously and exacerbating a multitude of interconnected risks.

Kvalitet og metode

Risk in Focus 2024 – Hot topics for internal auditors

Businesses facing a poly-crisis reveals the result of a survey of 700 Chief Internal Auditors across Europe.



IIA Norge har svart på høringen av NOU 2023: 15 IIA Norge har denne uken avgitt et høringssvar på Finansdep...

GRC Part 1 Rethinking Risk Appetite from a Non-financial Perspective

How should the growing focus on non-financial risk, including ESG, influence how organizations view their risk appetite, and what can internal audit do to support that examination?


Top Operational Risk Priorities 2023

Perpetual topic of embedding and increasing ownership in the first line is yet again topping the chart.


Modell for data-drevet risikostyring

Vil du lære mer om en modell for data-drevet risikovurdering?


Trenger vi egentlig risikostyringsfunksjonen?

Hvis du som jeg gjerne skulle hørt mer om hva som ligger bak her, så er det bare å glede seg til….


Top Operational Risks 2023

New year brings a set of challenges, some new and others very familiar, influenced by a complex web of macroeconomic and geopolitical factors.

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