

The IIA COVID-19 Resource Exchange​

The IIA COVID-19 Resource Exchange is a comprehensive source for internal audit practitioners around the globe, featuring risk guidance, thought leadership, training, tools, events, and more relating to COVID-19.

Kontroll og sikkerhet Kvalitet og metode

Internal Audit and Pandemics

Internal audit can play a vital role in pandemics from two perspectives. Read IIA Australia’s fact sheet on internal audit and pandemics.

Blogg English

Coronavirus: Business not as usual

COVID19 has reinforced, again, the problem with a “failure of imagination” in many risk management processes.

Kvalitet og metode

Agile Internal Audit

Leading practices on the journey to becoming agile. Download the latest Global Knowledge Brief from IIA to see if your team and stakeholders are ready to adapt.

Kontroll og sikkerhet

Internkontrollprosjektet i Politiet – en løypemelding

Et innblikk i Politi- og lensmannsetatens arbeid med internkontroll. Hvilke vurderinger gjorde man ved oppstart av internkontrollprosjektet i 2016? Hvilke erfaringer ble gjort underveis?

Kontroll og sikkerhet Kvalitet og metode Misligheter

Maskinlæring i anti-hvitvasking

Hvordan vi anvender teknikker bygget på maskinlæring og dyp læring for å utvikle bedre, mer pålitelige transaksjonsovervåkingssystemer.

Kvalitet og metode

Internal Audit Code of Practice

The code from the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors in UK aims to restore credibility in internal auditors’ ability to be the “eyes and ears” of boards to stamp out poor governance and misconduct.

Kvalitet og metode English

Unique Aspects of Internal Auditing in the Public Sector

Public sector organizations are expected to serve the public good, uphold the principles of ethical governance, and comply with myriad laws and regulations. Yet the nature of politics may put pressure on, or conflict with, ethical governance principles.

Kvalitet og metode English

Auditing Cybersecurity within Insurance firms

Internal Audit plays a vital role in the provision of assurance regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of the key cybersecurity processes and controls in insurance and reinsurance undertakings.

Kontroll og sikkerhet

Digital arbeidskraft og internrevisors rolle

Bruk av digital arbeidskraft er i endring. Hvordan kan internrevisjonen håndtere slike endringer på en proaktiv måte?

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