
Nytt år, nye risikoer – og muligheter

På tampen av året gjør vi gjerne opp status. Så også i år. Mangt kan sies om 2020. Det er ingen floskel å si at verden har forandret seg og at fremtiden er preget av høy grad av usikkerhet. Og usikkerhet handler jo om risiko.

Kvalitet og metode

Is risk governance enough?

Håkan Jankensgård is Associate Professor at Lund University School of Economics in Sweden and holds a PhD in risk management. He is keenly interested in developing a practical approach to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). We had an opportunity to ask Håkan a few key questions to sound out his approach to ERM.

Kvalitet og metode

RISK IN FOCUS 2021 Hot topics for internal auditors

The purpose of this publicationis to help the internal audit profession prepare its independent risk assessment work, annual planning and even audit scoping by sharing the insights and learnings from the research.

Kvalitet og metode

Å ikke se skogen for bare trær

Det er en fare innen risikostyring at vi er så fokusert på enkeltrisikoer og forvaltning av disse at vi glemmer å se på dem i en større sammenheng. Sammenheng betyr ikke bare å se skogen som en helhet, men også å forstå at skogen lever og vokser i sitt eget mikro- og makroklima. Vi må forstå hele konteksten.


Coronavirus and taming grey rhinos

A quick google search of “Black Swan” “Corona” reveals numerous articles have already been written equating the effects of the Coronavirus with a Black Swan. Is this a fair comparison? A “Black Swan” is an event which is both random and unpredictable. A key definition is that the event was unthought of, unimaginable beforehand. Was it? Most definitely not. It was a “Grey Rhino.”

Kvalitet og metode

The COSO ERM Certificate Program

This is an unique opportunity to learn the concepts and principles of the updated ERM framework and to be prepared to integrate the framework into your organisation’s strategy-setting process to drive business performance.

Online: COSO ERM Certificate Program

The COSO ERM Certificate Program offers you the unique opportunity to learn the concepts and principles of the updated ERM framework and to be prepared to integrate the framework into your organisation’s strategy-setting process to drive business performance.

Good Practice Guidelines for the Enterprise Risk Management Function

The target group for these guidelines is organisations that would like to either establish an Enterprise Risk Management function or develop their existing risk management function further.

Kontroll og sikkerhet

Third Party Risk Management – Operational Resilience and Data Privacy

Operational resilience and personal data protection are two topics that are high on the agenda of most organizations these days, as the focus on continuous operations and data privacy are being fueled by the disruptive effects of the Corona virus on business and the excitement around the GDPR and the menace of its large fines and with news of personal data leaks spreading on social media at the speed of a Tweet.

Risk Management Maturity model

In need of a practical tool to assess the maturity of your risk management program? In 2017 Ayse Nordal and...

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