Kvalitet og metode

Assessing Internal Audit Practices

The Internal Audit Foundation is conducting a global research study to better understand internal audit practices and the current relevance and usage of the IPPF and Standards.


Making the Most of Internal Audit’s Unique Perspective

What happens when internal audit’s insights are neglected, overridden, or ignored?

Remote Auditing

This report outlines the benefits of remote auditing, as well as the abilities auditors will need to successfully do their jobs in the post-pandemic environment. The top essential aptitudes include emotional intelligence, communications skills, business acumen, flexibility, agility, and imagination and curiosity.

Kontroll og sikkerhet

Auditing Identity and Access Management

This GTAG will help internal auditors understand key terms and how to approach an audit to ensure their organization’s IAM protocols help mitigate potential security and regulatory risks.

Auditing Identity and Access Management

This GTAG will help internal auditors understand key terms and how to approach an audit to ensure their organization’s IAM protocols help mitigate potential security and regulatory risks.

Kvalitet og metode

A practical take on agile auditing

Agile auditing, when translated into practical terms, is a simple and straightforward approach to deliver efficient and effective internal audit products.

Kvalitet og metode

Back to basic- førstelinjen må ta kontroll

Vi argumenterer i denne artikkelen for at trelinjemodellen ikke fungerer etter sin hensikt, ved at førstelinjen ikke får et tydelig nok ansvar for å eie og håndtere risiko.

Kvalitet og metode

Fagforum for dataanalyse og AI i revisjoner

Vi har opprettet et Fagforum for dataanalyserog AI for alle som vil dele sine erfaringer og lære mer om hva andre internrevisjoner gjør på området.

Kvalitet og metode

Digital transformasjon av butikkrevisjon

Bruk av dataanalyser har effektivisert internrevisjonens arbeid, redusert reisekostnader samt gitt positiv effekt og større innsikt nedover i organisasjonen.

Internal Audit’s Digital Transformation Imperative: Advances amid crisis

A new report from the Internal Audit Foundation and AuditBoard explores how audit departments’ use of technology has changed throughout this disruption, how that technology has helped audit teams to adapt, and how to determine the most effective technologies for teams to be successful.

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