Kontroll og sikkerhet

Key questions to expose gaps in board understanding of organizational cyber resiliency

The IIA and EY bring you “The risky six» which asks and answers key questions to determine your organization’s cyber resiliency.


European Commission: Sustainable Finance

The European Commission has adopted a number of measures to increase its level of ambition on sustainable finance.


Guidelines on the assessment of suitability

Guidelines on the assessment of the suitability of members of the management body and key function holders in particular with regard to money laundering and financing terrorism risks, and gender diversity.

Kvalitet og metode

Guidelines for Governance

IIA Norway has launched sector independent guidelines for governance which focuses mainly on internal governance.


The IIA 2021 Annual Business Meeting

Register now for the 2021 Annual Business Meeting. Matters to be addressed will include the election of IIA officers and directors and other appropriate items.


Fra blanke ark til ferdig veileder

Intervju med medlemmer av Fag- og metodekomiteen om hvordan veilederen ble til og hva den kan brukes til.


Innkalling til ordinær generalforsamling

Styret i IIA Norge har gleden av å invitere alle medlemmer til ordinær generalforsamling.


Policy for revisjon og andre bekreftelser – en utvikling i krav til virksomhetsstyring

Vil nye krav til transparens i revisjonsbekreftelser for selskapslovgivningen i UK også kunne påvirke EU og Norge i en positiv retning?


Guidelines for governance

The guidelines for governance (no: «virksomhetsstyring») published in March are now available in English.

Guidelines for governance

This aim of this English language translation of the Norwegian Guidelines for governance is to reach a wider audience by making them accessible to English speaking employees in Norway, as well as to a wider international audience of public and private sector.

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