
Kvalitet og metode English

The COSO ERM Certificate Program

This is an unique opportunity to learn the concepts and principles of the updated ERM framework and to be prepared to integrate the framework into your organisation’s strategy-setting process to drive business performance.

Kontroll og sikkerhet English

Third Party Risk Management – Operational Resilience and Data Privacy

Operational resilience and personal data protection are two topics that are high on the agenda of most organizations these days, as the focus on continuous operations and data privacy are being fueled by the disruptive effects of the Corona virus on business and the excitement around the GDPR and the menace of its large fines and with news of personal data leaks spreading on social media at the speed of a Tweet.


The IIA COVID-19 Resource Exchange​

The IIA COVID-19 Resource Exchange is a comprehensive source for internal audit practitioners around the globe, featuring risk guidance, thought leadership, training, tools, events, and more relating to COVID-19.

Blogg English

Coronavirus: Business not as usual

COVID19 has reinforced, again, the problem with a “failure of imagination” in many risk management processes.

Blogg English

In the Face of the Coronavirus, Internal Auditors Must Do More Than Don Masks

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has transformed from a growing medical crisis to also a macroeconomic one in a matter of days.

Strategi English

Are you ready for the biggest governance change yet?

A sea change is taking place in corporate governance, and it’s all about data. This Tone at the Top is about Data Governance and what Directors need to know now.

Kvalitet og metode English

Unique Aspects of Internal Auditing in the Public Sector

Public sector organizations are expected to serve the public good, uphold the principles of ethical governance, and comply with myriad laws and regulations. Yet the nature of politics may put pressure on, or conflict with, ethical governance principles.

Strategi Blogg English

Reimagining the Corporate Board

It is often the case that the significance of individual events takes time to become clear in the long arc of history.

Kvalitet og metode English

Artificial intelligence (AI) applied to risk management

This paper aims to guide risk managers on applying AI from a basic understanding to developing their own strategy on the implementation of AI. It includes an action guide and a template for risk managers to develop their own AI risk management roadmap.

Kvalitet og metode English

GDPR and Corporate Governance

The paper focuses on the impacts of the GDPR on corporate governance practices in the year following its implementation. Most specifically, it looks at the roles played by internal audit departments and risk management functions.

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