Cybersecurity attacks are increasing as the tools for detecting and exploiting vulnerabilities in networked systems and devices become increasingly sophisticated or commoditized.
Intended to serve as a practical, step-by-step approach for internal audit leaders, this guide summarizes the standards, staffing, and resources needed to successfully plan and implement or improve an internal audit activity in the public sector.
An IIA global survey to gain a clearer perspective of the internal audit profession and its professionals.
Practical suggestions and examples for integrating sustainability considerations into the key roles and responsibilities within The IIA’s Three Lines Model.
Internal auditors working in financial services should understand the international standards and principles of capital adequacy that apply to their jurisdictions.
Are internal auditors more likely to be extroverted and outgoing, or quieter and more introverted?
Styret ønsker velkommen til generalforsamling og inviterer til foredrag, mat og mingling hos Riksrevisjonen. Delta fysisk eller digitalt!
En kort presentasjon av forslag til kontrolltiltak hentet fra risikovurderingen til smittesporingsappen.
Data analysis as used by internal auditors is the process of identifying, gathering, validating, analyzing, and interpreting various forms of data and some key benefits are:
I takt med digitaliseringen av virksomheters produksjons- og støtteapparater har IT-risikoene fått en stadig bredere plass på private selskaps – og offentlige virksomheters risikoagenda.