ECIIA har utarbeidet veiledning til internrevisjoner i offentlig sektor for de nye standardene.
Enhancing Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Audit Effectiveness for Banks: Key Baseline Standards and Best Practices
Valuable insights into who is using this groundbreaking technology, how it is being used, and if it is governed.
Impact of the Digital Operational Resilience Act on the internal audit function
The three lines of defence (3LOD) model, which had its origins in military planning and sports management, is now firmly engrained into the DNA of financial services firms.
The Internal Audit Foundation’s global research project seeks to shape the future of the internal audit profession.
Se opptak av webinaret om IT-risikovurderinger, med spesielt fokus på kvantitative metoder.
Internal auditors will clearly have an important assurance and advisory role as organizations wrestle with AI choices and their implications.
Cybersecurity is the top risk consideration for internal auditors, and that will remain the case for the foreseeable future.
Build risk resilience with the leading GRC platform.