
Internal Audit: A global view

An IIA global survey to gain a clearer perspective of the internal audit profession and its professionals.

Internal Audit: A global view

An IIA global survey to gain a clearer perspective of the internal audit profession and its professionals.

Kvalitet og metode

Embedding ESG and sustainability considerations into the Three Lines Model

Practical suggestions and examples for integrating sustainability considerations into the key roles and responsibilities within The IIA’s Three Lines Model.

Embedding ESG and sustainability considerations into the Three Lines Model

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development and The IIA collaborate to offer practical suggestions and examples for integrating sustainability considerations into the key roles and responsibilities within The IIA’s Three Lines Model.

Kvalitet og metode

Auditing Capital Adequacy and Stress Testing for Banks

Internal auditors working in financial services should understand the international standards and principles of capital adequacy that apply to their jurisdictions. 

Auditing Capital Adequacy and Stress Testing for Banks

Internal auditors working in financial services should understand the international standards and principles of capital adequacy that apply to their jurisdictions.


Is there such a thing as the typical personality of an Internal Auditor?

Are internal auditors more likely to be extroverted and outgoing, or quieter and more introverted?

ESG: Key aspects and questions

ESG implies risks and opportunities and should be integrated into the organization’s strategy.

Internal Audit and ESG criteria

Companies’ increasing awareness of their social responsibilities – also called sustainability– in relation to their performance in managing the environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, requires them to include these aspects in their business models and
investment strategies and to assess their impact on profitability, liquidity, reputation and relationship with wider society, among other factors.

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