
«Transition to climate change auditing»

Siden risikoen for klimaendringer forventes å øke i relevans ytterligere de neste årene, bør internrevisjonen ta grep nå og hvordan du kan gjøre dette kan du lære mer om i dette webinaret.

Kvalitet og metode

Lean & Agile Auditing on demand

Lean and agile techniques provide tools and techniques to eliminate waste, maximise impact and increase value adding activities – key for many internal audit functions.

Kvalitet og metode

Integrated Thinking and Sustainability

The focus of this paper is to show how integrated thinking and reporting, effective internal control, enterprise risk management (ERM), and independent assurance provided by internal audit functions align to help organizations achieve their objectives and meet stakeholder expectations.


ESG embedding: are you ready?

Embedding sustainability into the business operation require the Board of Directors, the Risk Management and the Internal Audit to cooperate.

Kvalitet og metode

An Introduction to Operational Risk Management

IIA Norge (IIA Norway) has recently developed a new guidelines document concerning operational risk management.


Ansvarlig for compliance og internkontroll

Fellesordningen for AFP søker Ansvarlig for compliance og internkontroll

Kontroll og sikkerhet

Mitigating Cyber Threats

The October issue of Tone at the Top explores the five key areas where internal audit can have the most impact on helping organizations mitigate cyber-related risks.


ESG or E, S and G: A note for Risk Practitioners

Without doubt, environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations are becoming increasingly important for organisations and their teams, with businesses being judged on their ESG performance.


IIAs nye podcast

IIA globalt lanserer ny podcast. Første episode er dedikert sikkerhetsmåneden og omhandler cyber.

Kvalitet og metode

Operasjonell risikostyring – en innføring

Fire engasjerte medlemmer i IIA Norge har utarbeidet en ny veileder som gir en innføring i operasjonell risikostyring.

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