
Kvalitet og metode Strategi English

Lessons Learned from COVID-19

We must continue to evaluate both the short- and long-term impacts on business and social interactions at the micro and macro levels to ensure the lessons are learned, and not lost.

Kvalitet og metode English

Compliance Risk Management

This publication aims to provide guidance on the application of the COSO ERM framework to the identification, assessment, and management of compliance risks by aligning it with the C&E program framework, creating a powerful tool that integrates the concepts underlying each of these valuable frameworks.

Kvalitet og metode English

Cybercecurity – practical guidance

This guidance is developed to help internal auditors address some of the key risks identified in Risk in Focus 2021, with the aim of contributing to the reduction of their impacts on businesses and stakeholders.

Etikk og kultur Kvalitet og metode English

Auditing culture and behavior

The fundamental idea behind cultural risk is that, on paper, things may appear to be fine, but, in practice, reality is not the same.

Kvalitet og metode English

Is risk governance enough?

Håkan Jankensgård is Associate Professor at Lund University School of Economics in Sweden and holds a PhD in risk management. He is keenly interested in developing a practical approach to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). We had an opportunity to ask Håkan a few key questions to sound out his approach to ERM.

Kvalitet og metode Strategi English

RISK IN FOCUS 2021 Hot topics for internal auditors

The purpose of this publicationis to help the internal audit profession prepare its independent risk assessment work, annual planning and even audit scoping by sharing the insights and learnings from the research.

Blogg English

The Board’s Role in an Evolving Internal Audit Plan

Now more than ever, boards need to know their role in the organization, and when necessary, roll with the changes to align with executive management and internal audit.

Kvalitet og metode English

Nå er den her! Oppdatert utgave av modellen tidligere kjent som ‘Forsvarslinjemodellen.’

Hva er nytt? Det mest umiddelbare er selve navnet. Man har besluttet å fjerne ‘Forsvar’ og modellen går nå under betegnelsen ‘Trelinjemodellen’ – Three Lines Model.

Kvalitet og metode English

Internal Audit in the Covid-19 era

No one anticipated the massive COVID-19 disruption, but organizations worldwide have placed heavy demands on internal auditing to help them stabilize disruptions and support business continuity. Internal audit has answered the call.

Kvalitet og metode English

Tone at the Top: Keeping the doors open

The COVID-19 pandemic has been called the biggest crisis of our lifetime. But it is not simply a crisis. Instead, we are in the midst of cascading waves of crises and risk events.

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