This GTAG offers a broad set of related processes that internal auditors should consider when auditing controls over an organization’s communications ecosystem.
Eksempel på hvordan Gjensidige Forsikring identifiserer og vurderer betydningen av eksternt drevne hendelser, mulige risikoer og konsekvenser knyttet til økt geopolitiske spenningen og forstyrrelser i forsyningslinjer.
Lean and agile techniques provide tools and techniques to eliminate waste, maximise impact and increase value adding activities – key for many internal audit functions.
The focus of this paper is to show how integrated thinking and reporting, effective internal control, enterprise risk management (ERM), and independent assurance provided by internal audit functions align to help organizations achieve their objectives and meet stakeholder expectations.
IIA Norge (IIA Norway) has recently developed a new guidelines document concerning operational risk management.
Fire engasjerte medlemmer i IIA Norge har utarbeidet en ny veileder som gir en innføring i operasjonell risikostyring.
This guidance, updated from the 2017 edition, gives an overview of international standards and best practices of LRM, including the use of an LRM framework.
What is a system of internal control, what is an ‘appropriate’ system of internal control, and how is the effectiveness of a system of internal control assessed?
This release shows the alignment of governance structures in the public sector to The IIA’s Three Lines Model.
Practical suggestions and examples for integrating sustainability considerations into the key roles and responsibilities within The IIA’s Three Lines Model.