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IIA International Guidance

Auditing Social Media

Many organizations have incomplete social media strategies. They are reactive rather than proactive, and organizations lack many of the processes that are needed to successfully manage an organization’s social media platform.

Veiledere fra IIA Norge

Modenhetsmodell risikostyring

Modellen tar derfor sikte på å håndtere svakhetene ved løsninger som måler modenhet i trappetrinn, for å beskrive kvaliteten på virksomhetens «risikostyringsprosess». I stedet tar den for seg egenskaper som til sammen sier noe om hvordan helhetlig risikostyring utøves i virksomheten.

Guidance AI3
IIA International Guidance

Artificial Intelligence Part 3: IIA’s Auditing Framework

Internal audit should consider numerous engagement or control objectives, and activities or procedures, in implementing the Framework and providing advisory, assurance, or blended advisory/assurance internal audit services related to the organization’s AI activities.

Guidance AI2
IIA International Guidance

Artificial Intelligence Part 2: Auditing Framework

To help internal audit fulfill this role, internal auditors can leverage The IIA’s AI Auditing Framework in providing AI-related advisory, assurance, or blended advisory/assurance services as appropriate to the organization.

Guidance AI1
IIA International Guidance

Artificial Intelligence Part 1 – Considerations for the Profession of Internal Auditing

Internal audit can help an organization evaluate, understand, and communicate the degree to which artificial intelligence will have an effect (negative or positive) on the organization’s ability to create value in the short, medium, or long term.

IIA International Guidance

Unique Aspects of Internal Auditing in the Public Sector

Public sector organizations are expected to serve the public good, uphold the principles of ethical governance, and comply with myriad laws and regulations. Yet the nature of politics may put pressure on, or conflict with, ethical governance principles.

IIA International Guidance

GDPR and Corporate Governance

The Role of Internal Audit and Risk Management One Year After Implementation

IIA International Guidance

Auditing Cybersecurity within Insurance firms

Internal Audit plays a vital role in the provision of assurance regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of the key cybersecurity processes and controls in insurance and reinsurance undertakings.

IIA International Guidance

Solving Key Challenges in a Small Audit Group

Does size really matter? Or are the challenges that small internal audit departments face the result of other factors?

Veiledere fra IIA Norge

Spørsmål et styre bør stille for å forstå hvordan en virksomhet styrer sine risikoer

Formålet med denne veilederen er å gi styret et verktøy formulert som spørsmål. Ved å belyse områdene spørsmålene dekker kan styret få en bedre forståelse av sentrale risikoområder for virksomheten og diskutere hvordan disse bør håndteres.

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