Hvilken kompetanse trenger du som internrevisor? Kompetansetrapp internrevisjon
Mastering Journal Entry Testing With No-Code Analytics.
The COSO ERM Certificate Program offers you the unique opportunity to learn the concepts and principles of the updated ERM framework and to be prepared to integrate the framework into your organisation’s strategy-setting process to drive business performance.
This certificate program is designed to equip internal auditors with comprehensive knowledge and skills related to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) topics associated with mandatory reporting in the European Union (ESG).
Level Up Your IT Risk, Compliance, and Third-Party Risk Management.
EU Financial Services for Internal Auditors Certificate, a facilitator-led specialty certificate program, will provide you with critical intelligence, guidance, and practical applications to advance a career in financial services internal auditing.
Process mining is a bit like magic : you import a data set and the process mining tool automatically constructs a process map that shows how your process was actually performed.
Hvis risikoer kvantifiseres, er dette nøkkelen til suksess. Men hvordan gjøres dette egentlig?
Gjennom dette e-læringskurset får deltagerne en innføring i rollen og det faglige rammeverket til internrevisjonen, samt en forklaring av begreper som er viktige å forstå for en blivende internrevisor.
Dette kurset skal gi enhver internrevisor i stand til å inkludere IT-risikoer i planleggingen samt presentere verktøy som gjør det mulig å inkludere IT som del av revisjonsprosessen.
As an internal auditor, you need to be able to recognise the critical moments when moral courage is required and come up with ways to act courageously. During the training, we will provide you with a number of tools for this.