
20 % discount on the CIA in May

In celebration of International Internal Audit Awareness month and to address the critical need for internal audit in these extraordinary times, The IIA is offering IIA members a 20 % discount on the Certified Internal Auditor.

The impact of recent global trends

The impact of recent global trends on internal auditing in the insurance industry – a discussion paper from ECIIA.


The impact of recent global trends

The impact of recent global trends on internal auditing in the insurance industry – a discussion paper from ECIIA.

Kvalitet og metode

Supporting 3rd party due diligence through Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Web pages and other resources that can be found using Google certainly constitute massive sources of open source information, but they are far from the only sources.

E-learning: Ethics training for internal auditors

As an internal auditor, you need to be able to recognise the critical moments when moral courage is required and come up with ways to act courageously. During the training, we will provide you with a number of tools for this.

E-læring: Hvordan ta grep på IT-revisjoner, en introduksjon

Dette kurset skal gi enhver internrevisor i stand til å inkludere IT-risikoer i planleggingen samt presentere verktøy som gjør det mulig å inkludere IT som del av revisjonsprosessen.

Kvalitet og metode

CRMA – Beta Testing

The IIA is seeking active Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) certification holders to participate in a Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) Beta Test. Candidates who take the Beta Test can earn their CRMA for a significantly reduced fee.


Få nye internrevisjonsfunksjoner i staten

Fire år er gått siden kravet om å vurdere bruk av internrevisjon i staten kom. Antallet internrevisjoner i staten holder seg ganske konstant siden første vurdering i 2016.

Kvalitet og metode

Internal Audit Assessment Tool for Audit Committees

The IIA has launched a new tool created specifically to provide boards and audit committees with the instrument they need to assess the quality of their internal audit activity.

Internal Audit Assessment Tool for Audit Committees

The IIA has launched a new tool created specifically to provide boards and audit committees with the instrument they need to assess the quality of their internal audit activity. Don’t just guess, assess your organization’s internal audit activity with the new Internal Audit Assessment Tool.

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