Kvalitet og metode

Embedding ESG and sustainability considerations into the Three Lines Model

Practical suggestions and examples for integrating sustainability considerations into the key roles and responsibilities within The IIA’s Three Lines Model.

Kvalitet og metode

Auditing Capital Adequacy and Stress Testing for Banks

Internal auditors working in financial services should understand the international standards and principles of capital adequacy that apply to their jurisdictions. 


Is there such a thing as the typical personality of an Internal Auditor?

Are internal auditors more likely to be extroverted and outgoing, or quieter and more introverted?


Data analytics as an audit tool – advantages and some experiences

Data analysis as used by internal auditors is the process of identifying, gathering, validating, analyzing, and interpreting various forms of data and some key benefits are:


Internal auditor as Gardener of Governance

As long as I have been working in this profession, I have found auditors to be questioning as to the role and effectiveness of the work they do.


IIA står samlet i solidaritet med Ukraina

On behalf of the IIA family, the internal audit profession, and our members around the world, our hearts are with the people of Ukraine in the wake of this terrible conflict and resulting humanitarian crisis.

Kvalitet og metode

Prioritizing Environmental, Social and Governance

Exploring Internal Audit’s Role as a Critical Collaborator.


Change and project assurance

The best audit teams play an active role in project assurance and, sometimes, a role in broader change management assurance.

Etikk og kultur

Myths about auditing culture

Let me share 2-3 myths about culture and 2-3 of the fundamentals for internal audit teams.


Auditing Mobile Computing

Internal auditors need to understand common technologies that enable remote work, the significant risks arising from remote access, and standard controls that prevent, detect, or remediate unauthorized access or sharing of information.

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