
Note to Risk Professionals: No more D in 3LOD

The three lines of defence (3LOD) model, which had its origins in military planning and sports management, is now firmly engrained into the DNA of financial services firms.


Internal Audit Vision 2035

The Internal Audit Foundation’s global research project seeks to shape the future of the internal audit profession.


IT Risk Assessments: Quantitative Methods and Results

Se opptak av webinaret om IT-risikovurderinger, med spesielt fokus på kvantitative metoder.


The Artificial Intelligence Revolution

Internal auditors will clearly have an important assurance and advisory role as organizations wrestle with AI choices and their implications.


Artificial Intelligence – Cybersecurity Friend and Foe

Cybersecurity is the top risk consideration for internal auditors, and that will remain the case for the foreseeable future.


Stay ahead of emerging risks

Build risk resilience with the leading GRC platform.


Should internal audit change its name?

For years, people have proposed changing the name of internal audit. Some departments have changed their name. If you have/were going to call internal audit by a different name, what would it be?



Download ECIIA’s paper on DORA; The Digital Operational Resilience Act and its impact on internal audit in the financial services


Time to look again at Root Cause Analysis

As many readers may be aware, Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is proposed to be incorporated into the new Global Internal Audit Standards (GIAS).

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Risk in Focus

Today’s Global Risk Landscape

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