Kvalitet og metode

The Three Lines Model

The report outlines essential governance elements and answers questions about implementing The Three Lines Model in different industries, with a focus on accountability, actions, and assurance and advice.

Kontroll og sikkerhet

Security in a Work-From-Home Environment

IT departments face a constant challenge with an ever-evolving threat landscape involving the technology used by employees as they work from home. Do your homework on WFH threats, implement the recommendations, and use the resources.

Kvalitet og metode

Macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainty

This practical guidance is part of the Risk in Focus 2021 publication and addresses the key topic: macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainty.

Kontroll og sikkerhet

How scared should we be of security in the cloud?

Cloud services bring a momentous opportunity to accelerate business through their ability to quickly scale the business, allowing us to be agile with our resources, and providing new opportunities for collaboration.

Kvalitet og metode

Auditing Market Risk in Financial Institutions

Regulators and supervisors are focused on this risk, emphasizing the need for accurate models that can measure the capital impact of market activities on the financial viability of the institution.


Nytt år, nye risikoer – og muligheter

På tampen av året gjør vi gjerne opp status. Så også i år. Mangt kan sies om 2020. Det er ingen floskel å si at verden har forandret seg og at fremtiden er preget av høy grad av usikkerhet. Og usikkerhet handler jo om risiko.

Kvalitet og metode

Revisjoner via Teams

Normalt er personlige møter og kroppsspråk et viktig utgangspunkt for den gode revisjonssamtalen. Hvordan fungerer dette egentlig på Teams?

Etikk og kultur

Etiske regler – fine ord eller virkelighet?

‘Redelighet’, ‘samarbeid’, ‘kunder’. Lyder noen av disse kjent? Det er ord som går igjen i de etiske retningslinjene i mange virksomheter.

Kvalitet og metode

Lessons Learned from COVID-19

We must continue to evaluate both the short- and long-term impacts on business and social interactions at the micro and macro levels to ensure the lessons are learned, and not lost.

Kvalitet og metode

Compliance Risk Management

This publication aims to provide guidance on the application of the COSO ERM framework to the identification, assessment, and management of compliance risks by aligning it with the C&E program framework, creating a powerful tool that integrates the concepts underlying each of these valuable frameworks.

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