Kvalitet og metode

Tone at the Top: Keeping the doors open

The COVID-19 pandemic has been called the biggest crisis of our lifetime. But it is not simply a crisis. Instead, we are in the midst of cascading waves of crises and risk events.

Kvalitet og metode

New Practice Guide: Developing a Risk-based Internal Audit Plan

To add value and improve an organization’s effectiveness, internal audit priorities should align with the organization’s objectives and should address the risks with the greatest potential to affect the organization’s ability to achieve its goals. This practice guide will help the CAE and internal auditors create and maintain a risk-based internal audit plan.

Developing a Risk-based Internal Audit Plan

This practice guide will help the CAE and internal auditors create and maintain a risk-based internal audit plan.


Når alarmen går, må styret reagere

Oppmerksomheten rundt Equinors USA-satsning og enorme tap har fått fokus som fortjent den siste uken. Alarmklokkene varslet gjentatte ganger, men slik det fremkommer har reaksjonen fra styre og ledelse vært påfallende dårlig.


How Internal Audit Adds Value in Addressing COVID-19 Risks

In this first of a 2-part installment of Richard Chambers «Insight and Advice» series, he explores how internal audit is providing value and assurance around today’s uncertainties with two of Australia’s renowned risk management experts, Todd Davies and Tom McLeod.

Data Ethics – where does internal audit fit?

As the regulatory environment around data ethics evolves, all parties certainly must expand their knowledge of this risk. This brief explores organizational conduct and the potential associated reputational and financial damages for failure to establish proper data governance.

Kvalitet og metode

Privacy and Data Protection

This report from the IIA serves as a how-to guide to assist internal auditors in assessing their current level of preparedness regarding privacy and data protection issues, particularly as their approaches relate to the present state of the profession overall.

Privacy and Data Protection Part 1

Part 1: Internal Audit’s Role in Establishing a Resilient Framework

Kvalitet og metode

Erfaringer med outsourcing av internrevisjon ved NTNU

NTNU var en av 72 statlige virksomheter som ble pålagt å vurdere behovet for internrevisjon i henhold til rundskriv R-117 fra Finansdepartementet i 2016. NTNU konkluderte positivt og vurderte full outsourcing som mest hensiktsmessig. I dette intervjuet forteller seniorrådgiver Kirsten Ballo Prestøy om NTNUs erfaringer så langt.


Coronavirus and taming grey rhinos

A quick google search of “Black Swan” “Corona” reveals numerous articles have already been written equating the effects of the Coronavirus with a Black Swan. Is this a fair comparison? A “Black Swan” is an event which is both random and unpredictable. A key definition is that the event was unthought of, unimaginable beforehand. Was it? Most definitely not. It was a “Grey Rhino.”

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