
Auditing Business Applications

This GTAG helps auditors understand why it is important to provide assurance over business applications and how to identify and assess the relevant risks and standardized and system-specific controls when performing audit engagements.

Auditing Business Applications

This GTAG helps auditors understand why it is important to provide assurance over business applications and how to identify and assess the relevant risks and standardized and system-specific controls when performing audit engagements.


Guidance on Remote Auditing

This publication is developed with specialists from the Internal Audit Service from the European Commission for the use of Internal Auditors.

Kvalitet og metode

Internal Audit’s Role in ESG Reporting

New white paper from IIA: Learn more about how internal audit can support ESG objectives, and how IIA Standards position internal auditors to add value.

Internal Audit’s Role in ESG Reporting

An overview of risks along with context on the growing sustainability movement.

Etikk og kultur

IIA Norge 70 år – en kort oppsummering

Fredag 8. oktober feiret IIA Norge og de øvrige nordiske landene 70 år som IIA-institutter.

Kvalitet og metode

OnRisk 2022

A Guide to Understanding, Aligning, and Optimizing Risk offers an eye-opening and in-depth examination of the top 12 risks for 2022, along with six key observations from the boardroom, C-suite, and internal audit.


Auditing Anti-corruption Activities

This practice guide discusses the role of internal audit in anti-corruption efforts and describes an effective anti-corruption program.

Auditing Anti-corruption Activities

This newly updated practice guide discusses the role of internal audit in anti-corruption efforts and describes an effective anti-corruption program, including controls related to preventing, detecting, responding to, and recovering from the risks associated with corruption in many of its forms.

Kontroll og sikkerhet

Confronting the Cybersecurity Monster

Cyber risk does not discriminate — it affects organizations of all sizes and in all industries. And global boards and executives don’t consider it a top ten risk just for 2021 — cyber threats are expected to still be a major risk in 2030

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