Online: CIA Part 1 training

The CIA certification means having a key to the vast world of opportunities the profession of internal auditing offers.

Online: The practice of Agile internal auditing in your mission

This highly interactive practical training uses a workshop format, sharing ideas and practical examples to understand why and how Agile Auditing can be applied in audit missions.

ESG: Key aspects and questions

ESG implies risks and opportunities and should be integrated into the organization’s strategy.

Internal Audit and ESG criteria

Companies’ increasing awareness of their social responsibilities – also called sustainability– in relation to their performance in managing the environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, requires them to include these aspects in their business models and
investment strategies and to assess their impact on profitability, liquidity, reputation and relationship with wider society, among other factors.

Etikk og kultur

Generalforsamling + faglig & sosialt

Styret ønsker velkommen til generalforsamling og inviterer til foredrag, mat og mingling hos Riksrevisjonen. Delta fysisk eller digitalt!


Mulige kontrolltiltak i forbindelse med utvikling av en smittesporingsapp

En kort presentasjon av forslag til kontrolltiltak hentet fra risikovurderingen til smittesporingsappen.


Data analytics as an audit tool – advantages and some experiences

Data analysis as used by internal auditors is the process of identifying, gathering, validating, analyzing, and interpreting various forms of data and some key benefits are:


IT-risikoer – behov for økt oppmerksomhet i din virksomhet?

I takt med digitaliseringen av virksomheters produksjons- og støtteapparater har IT-risikoene fått en stadig bredere plass på private selskaps – og offentlige virksomheters risikoagenda.

The ESG Landscape part 3

Evaluating ESG Risk.

Kvalitet og metode

The ESG Landscape

This knowledge brief discusses the major frameworks being used to manage ESG risk, along with regulatory concerns and reporting initiatives.

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