
A practical guide for boards and leadership teams on sustainability

Aimed at helping board members and leadership teams navigate their companies’ sustainability journey.


Are you ready for the biggest governance change yet?

A sea change is taking place in corporate governance, and it’s all about data. This Tone at the Top is about Data Governance and what Directors need to know now.

Kvalitet og metode

Internal Audit Code of Practice

The code from the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors in UK aims to restore credibility in internal auditors’ ability to be the “eyes and ears” of boards to stamp out poor governance and misconduct.


Reimagining the Corporate Board

It is often the case that the significance of individual events takes time to become clear in the long arc of history.

Kvalitet og metode

Questions for understanding risk management

The holding of a position on a Board or in a control committee in an organisation is a considerable responsibility and may also lead to personal liability.

Kvalitet og metode

Tanker rundt risikoappetitt

Paul Sobel, styreleder i COSO, var på Oslo-besøk våren 2019. Vi i IIA Norge benyttet muligheten til å høste li...

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