COSO: Achieving Effective Internal Control Over Sustainability Reporting (ICSR)

Builds trust and confidence in ESG/Sustainability reporting and

Integrated Thinking and Sustainability: Applying Key Governance Tools and Frameworks

The focus of this paper is to show how integrated thinking and reporting, effective internal control, enterprise risk management (ERM), and independent assurance provided by internal audit functions align to help organizations achieve their objectives and meet stakeholder expectations.

Realize the full potential of artificial intelligence

Applying the COSO Framework and principles to help implement and scale artificial intelligence.

Compliance Risk Management

This publication aims to provide guidance on the application
of the COSO ERM framework to the identification,
assessment, and management of compliance risks by
aligning it with the C&E program framework, creating a
powerful tool that integrates the concepts underlying each of these valuable frameworks.

Blockhain and Internal Control

COSO’s paper explains how COSO’s internal control framework can be used to design and implement controls to address the risks associated with blockchain technology, which relies on distributed ledgers to track information about assets such as digital currencies.

COSO Thougt Paper: Creating and Protecting value

The guidance is based on successful practices used by organizations in taking an incremental, step-bystep approach to implementing ERM.

Managing Risk in Uncertain Times

Successful organizations figure out ways to effectively manage their risks to thrive in an uncertain and rapidly changing world. This book is designed to help organizations better pursue opportunities and manage threats.

COSO – Veiledning i oppfølging av internkontroll

Veiledningen skal klargjøre oppfølgingen av internkontroll og gi veiledning på hvordan organisasjoner kan gjennomføre en målrettet og effektiv oppfølging.

COSO ERM – Helhetlig risikostyring – Et integrert rammeverk (1. utgave, 2004)

En av de kritiske utfordringene for ledergrupper er å bestemme hvor stor risiko virksomheten kan og skal utsettes for i prosessen med å skape verdier. Dette rammeverket vil gjøre dem bedre i stand til å møte disse utfordringene.

COSO ERM – Helhetlig Risikostyring (sammendrag)

Den norske oversettelsen av Sammendraget fra den oppdaterte versjonen av COSOs Helhetlig Risikostyring – Integrering med strategi og måloppnåelse av 2017.

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