
Kick-off for foreningens tillitsvalgte.

Compliance & Kaffe: Status og trender

Compliance-reisen; hva er status og trender blant Nordiske virksomheter i arbeid med etikk/ESG og etterlevelse?

Utfordringer og erfaringer med habilitet og habilitetsrevisjoner i offentlige virksomheter

Det er stadig oppmerksomhet rundt habilitet i offentlige sektor. Hvordan kan internrevisjonen bidra relatert til habilitetsutfordringer i sin virksomhet?

Online: EU Financial Services for Internal Auditors Certificate (CFS-EU)

EU Financial Services for Internal Auditors Certificate, a facilitator-led specialty certificate program, will provide you with critical intelligence, guidance, and practical applications to advance a career in financial services internal auditing.

Praktisk internrevisjon

I løpet av disse dagene vil vi gi innføring i planlegging, gjennomføring og rapportering av internrevisjonsprosjekter.

Online: Radical reporting

Internal auditors must become skilled writers in order to communicate clearly throughout and beyond their organisation.

Online: Assurance mapping & co-ordination

Learn how to measure other assurances (in the first and second lines) and best practices for audit planning leveraging such information.

Online: Auditing Corporate Governance: A Masterclass

This course will improve your ability to provide effective, professional insight and internal audit assurance that moves beyond a tick box approach, identifying the real underlying corporate governance risks faced by organizations.

Online: ESG Certificate: Auditing ESG EU Mandatory Reporting

This certificate program is designed to equip internal auditors with comprehensive knowledge and skills related to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) topics associated with mandatory reporting in the European Union (ESG).

Excel for auditors and accountants

Elevate your auditing and accounting skills with our specialized Excel course tailored for auditors and accountants!

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