job Nettverksmøte

Risk Roundtable: Pointers for complying with the European Resilience Mandates

Join the discussion on complying with the spirit of the European resilience mandates.

The agenda will delve into three areas that converge requirements from these regulations, offering industry-agnostic insights and fostering enriching discussion.

Critical Third-Party Identification and Management: Understanding the criteria that define a third-party as critical, even if they do not fall under the category of strategic partners. This segment will emphasize the significance of robust third-party risk management frameworks and a full view of the risk dimensions.

Disruption Impact Mapping: An exploration of the resilience chain as well as strategies for business continuity management and effective strategies for managing impact thresholds. This discussion will highlight best practices that align thresholds with organizational risk appetite for ultimately securing operations.

Proactive Incident Management: Moving beyond regulatory reporting mandates, we will explore the essence of incident management. This includes capturing and learning from near-misses to fortify resilience and methods for pre-empting incidents altogether.

Resilience defined: “Critical Entity’s ability to prevent, protect against, respond to, resist, mitigate, absorb, accommodate and recover from an incident.” 

The EU CER Directive

Presented by

Chika Okoli, GRC Technology Manager at SAI360
